We are shutting down

The Bad News:

Earlier this year we informed everyone of difficulties we were having with federal regulators.​​​​​​​ We promised to update you when we had concrete information to provide.


Through conversations with federal regulators, we have come to an understanding that it will not be possible for our business to continue operating.


We have decided to liquidate our remaining materials with a 50% automatic discount on our site.


As we run out of the extracts required to make specific flavors we will be removing them from the website and refunding any items on outstanding orders we can't fulfill.


It is our intention to stop taking orders on September 30th and take the site down. If we completely run out of orders before then we will take our site down at such a time.


Please bear with us as we work to fulfill what is likely to be a large influx of orders in our final days.


Thank you all so much for all your love and support over these last 10 years. It's meant the world to us.


-The TVC Team